The international meeting of SportBoard, the Erasmus+Sport project co-financed by the European Union in which Anderlini and the Municipality of Modena are partners, was held on Thursday 15 and Friday 16.
The two days opened with the public event “Etica&Sport” at the Orange Bar in the Ferrari Park, during which the representatives of the project’s partner organizations illustrated to the audience the results of the research carried out over the last year and the tools that will be adopted in the coming months: Sophie Lopez of Sport&Citizenship (France) presented the European policies and actions in the field of sports ethics; Enriq Sebastiani of the Blaquerna Ramon Llul University highlighted the data collected through questionnaires and focus groups in recent months; Albert Salarich of Sant Cugat Creix presented the application that will be adopted to collect data and record ethical and non-ethical situations; finally Andrea Zorzi, champion of Italian volleyball, started a provocative discussion about the possibility that sport can and manages to be truly ethical and about what it means to be ethical in the sports world.
On Friday, the partner consortium met in the Council Chamber of the Municipality of Modena to discuss the next steps of the project, including the launch of the pilot program which will include a training phase for coaches, managers and physical education teachers the use of the EthicApp application for recording virtuous or non-virtuous events in the sports field.
SportBoard was created to monitor and promote the ethical behavior of children and young athletes in sport, in particular by combating discrimination (ethnic, gender, cultural, religious, sexual orientation, disability), bullying, violence, harassment and abuse, including sexual abuse, doping, bets and match sales, and encourage the development of healthy and quality sports governance. These are the main objectives of Sportboard, the European project that also involves the Municipality of Modena and Anderlini in a public-private partnership that has obtained a loan of 250 thousand euros under the Erasmus+Sport programme, the European plan that promotes mobility for the purpose of sports personnel learning and cooperation, quality, inclusion, creativity and innovation at the level of sports organizations and policies, paying attention to grassroots sports.